Valeska Voltaire

Fierce yet Kind, like the Raging Flame and the Gentle Hearth

General Info

Race:Wildwood Elezen
Height:6' 6"
Relationship Status:Single
Personality:Nurturing, flirty, bratty
DispositionShe lives every day like her last. Is very much an "If it happens, it happens" type of girl. She is slow to romance (due to her past) despite how flirty she is. If you are looking to win her heart, be prepared to get a hammer, chisel, and a whole lot of patience.
Birthplace:She doesn't know
Occupation:Adventurer/ Free Company Leader/ Twin Adder Lieutenant
Echo:Yes. Empath.
Voice Claim:Morrigan - Dragon Age (Closest I could find but her voice is more.... silky than Morrigan's, not as scratchy)
Special RP NotesIf you could tell me your character's base perception (Highly alert, oblivious, etc.) That will help me decide the "DC" for a perception check I might ask you to roll. It has to do with a plot point or two and adds to the depth of interaction. (Being asked to roll highly depends on the situation the characters find themselves in. It will not always be necessary.)

Echo Details:
Since a young age, Valeska has been able to feel the emotions of others and understand whatever someone says to her. While she does not know off-hand what is causing the emotions of those around her, she has learned to use context clues and subtle changes in people's faces and body language to find the most likely cause. Her ability to understand others does not seem to be limited. No matter what language is used to communicate with her, she always seems to understand as if it is spoken in her known language. She can not, however, reply in turn unless she has taken the time to learn the language that is being used to communicate.
Valeska does not believe that her 'gift' is the Echo, only because she has not learned what an Echo is and has simply grown accustomed to her strange ability to hear words that are not there.

Valeska stands at 6 fulms, 6 ilms tall, though since she is usually wearing heels, she appears around 6’10”. She has smooth pale skin, clear of blemishes of any kind. Her eyes are a piercing light blue, rimmed with red eye shadow and dark, full lashes and her shapely lips mirror her eyes with a dark red lip stain. Her face is framed by raven-colored locks, forming gentle waves as they flowed down to just past her hips. Her body is lithe and supple, like most elezen, but wider at the hips and with a toned musculature. She covers her body, if you could even call it covering, in attractive and revealing clothing. She tends to prefer off-the-shoulder dresses with long sleeves, short front, long back skirt, and a possible slit or two up the legs. Of course, no outfit is complete without a corset to go with it.


Random Encounter - Valeska can often be found out and about as an adventurer so wherever you stumble upon her will likely determine the RP to follow.Artisan - Valeska is a Weaver, Alchemist, Weaponsmith, Culinarian, and Gemsmith. She also does a bit of Botany on the side. As such, she can be found either in a garden or selling her wares. RP can also be started from conversation such as "What lovely clothes/ jewelry you are wearing!" or "My that smells lovely!"Aichmomanic - A word which here means 'the love of blades'. Valeska is simply fascinated with blades of all shapes and forms and has been known to fawn over a well-made weapon once or twice. As such, she might spot your character's weapon of choice and simply wish to discuss how it was made and who the crafter was. On the opposite end of the spectrum, she might lament how ill-kept your character's weapon is and proclaim that it is in need of repair.Free Company Leader- Valeska leads an adventuring company out of Ishgard. Were you in need of beast slaying or a simple travel escort, then you could ask for her aid or the aid of any of her adventurers. You can also approach her, wishing to join her company.Seeing Double - Valeska bares a striking resemblance to a male Elezen from your past. Whether you think to straight up say so or simply approach her to see how far the similarities go, it is an uncanny resemblance. This is for those who have interacted with or had a backstory similar to Faulvynoix "Songblade" Fortemps. If you have not interacted with Faulvynoix, then please message me so we can see what we can work out.Hingan Treasure - Valeska spent the majority of her life in Kugane. While she may have left its shores a year ago, she was a well-known and highly requested Courtesan for a little more than two decades during her stay. Perhaps your character, during their travels, heard tale of the exotic woman who knew how to bring her clients to ecstasy time and again. If you want to know her more personally during this time then you must be 18+ If you want to be an old customer of hers or someone who met her while she lived in Kugane, then please message me so we can work out the details.


Valeska does not remember her childhood, she doesn't even truly remember her own name. As far as she could tell, her mother died from sickness when she was still a baby and her father turned to drinking to deal with the pain of it. It became evident that he enjoyed his drink a little too much when he turned and sold his own daughter to pay for it.From then on, the Hingan continent was all she knew for three decades of her life. Within that time she made the most of her situation, earning her the 'title' of the Hingan Treasure, the most requested and highly popular courtesan of the establishment she was sold to. She took her time to learn to sing, dance, and play a variety of different instruments in order to better acquire the attention of potential customers. As she grew older and her fame grew, she also gained new freedoms and new courage.Some of her customers would bring her gifts when they visited her. She used these gifts to study herbs and the making of potions and poisons. Once she was sure she had enough knowledge and had the proper mix, she began using her skills to deal with the scum that visited her. Using her gift she would find the information she needed to slowly start taking down corrupt individuals like thieves, murderers, and slavers.At some point, she had taken in a Vieran boy and begun caring for him as if he were her own. Rumors abound that the boy was somehow her own flesh even though her regular customers knew better. Around the time the boy had come to stay with her, was the same time she gained the freedom to leave her establishment and hunt down her prey. This freedom is what started her on her adventuring path.Having only begun adventuring a year ago, she has made her way around the world and even earned her position as a leader of a Free Company. She still offers her hand to those who need it and protects those who can not protect themselves.


Hello there! Thank you for checking out Valeska, I hope you enjoyed learning a bit about her. Below is a bit more information about myself.

Age Range:25-30 years
Pronouns:She/Her, They/Them
Years of RP Experience:20
RP StylePara/mirror
Comfortable RPAll RP
Preferred InitiationWalk-ups and /tells ok.
OOC:IC?OOC≠IC / RP is separate from my IRL

I would like to stress that what Val likes and what I like will not always match up. Val is her own person, so to speak, and will have her own thoughts and feelings about certain matters. Because of this, I prefer to RP any connections she might have with someone. For example, if you would like your character to know Val from her past, that can be worked out, but I would rather like to RP out the past interactions in order to work out how Val would currently feel about your character upon seeing them again.This also means that I might like you but Val might not like your character. So if interactions with Val have turned sour, please don't assume that things have gone sour with me personally.

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